Monday, January 26, 2009

January 26, 2009

Dear President Obama,

I woud like to thank you so much for your words of support for the Palestinian people. I hope that your future actions will back up these words of support. What we have witnessed since December 27th is an act of unbelieveable atrocities, many of which are international war crimes (such as the use of white phosphorous to burn and injure Palestinian civilians) and much of which has cost the Palestinians of Gaza millions of dollar of damage.

In addition, Israel's actions are only breeding a new generation of hate in young Palestinians towards Israel. In the paper this morning I read that many Palestinian children has suffered emotional trauma due to Israel's assault on their homes, families and communities. This trauma will most likely manifest into hate towards Israel and lead to thousands of new recruits for terrorist organizations in the Middle East. I don't know what can be done to reverse those problems now, but allowing Israel to continue their policies of condemnable actions against Palestinians and letting their crimes go unpunished (not to mention the $30 billion promised to Israel over the next decade to buy military weapons with) will only continue this cycle of violence and hate and only give Israel more "reason" to destroy any fabric of life the Palestinians may have.

Again, thank you for your kind words toward the Palestinian people. I only hope that you follow these words up with similar actions.



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